How to Outsmart AI Scams: Protect Yourself from Voice Cloning, Phishing, and Deepfakes

3 months ago 5 min read
How to Outsmart AI Scams: Protect Yourself from Voice Cloning, Phishing, and Deepfakes

AI is here to help, whether you’re drafting an email, making some concept art, or running a scam on vulnerable folks by making them think you’re a friend or relative in distress. AI is so versatile! But since some people would rather not be scammed, let’s talk a little about what to watch out for.

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The last few years have seen a huge uptick not just in the quality of generated media, from text to audio to images and video, but also in how cheaply and easily that media can be created. The same type of tool that helps a concept artist cook up some fantasy monsters or spaceships, or lets a non-native speaker improve their business English, can be put to malicious use as well.

Don’t expect the Terminator to knock on your door and sell you on a Ponzi scheme — these are the same old scams we’ve been facing for years, but with a generative AI twist that makes them easier, cheaper, or more convincing.

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This is by no means a complete list, just a few of the most obvious tricks that AI can supercharge. We’ll be sure to add new ones as they appear in the wild, or any additional steps you can take to protect yourself.

Voice Cloning of Family and Friends

Synthetic voices have been around for decades, but it is only in the last year or two that advances in the tech have allowed a new voice to be generated from as little as a few seconds of audio. That means anyone whose voice has ever been broadcast publicly — for instance, in a news report, YouTube video, or on social media — is vulnerable to having their voice cloned.

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How It Works

Scammers can and have used this tech to produce convincing fake versions of loved ones or friends. These can be made to say anything, but in service of a scam, they are most likely to make a voice clip asking for help. For instance, a parent might get a voicemail from an unknown number that sounds like their son, saying how their stuff got stolen while traveling and asking for money.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Verify the Source: Anything coming from an unknown number, email address, or account should automatically be considered suspicious. Contact the person through your usual communication channels to verify the claim.
  2. Be Skeptical of Urgent Requests: Scammers create a sense of urgency to cloud your judgment. Take your time to assess the situation.
  3. Don’t Rely on Voice Recognition Alone: Even experts can be fooled by high-quality voice clones. Use other verification methods.

Personalized Phishing and Spam via Email and Messaging

We all get spam now and then, but text-generating AI is making it possible to send mass emails customized to each individual. With data breaches happening regularly, a lot of your personal data is out there.

How It Works

Customized spam can use recent locations, purchases, and habits to create believable messages. For example, an email might appear to be from a familiar service, offering a discount or requiring action based on your recent activities.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Verify Links and Attachments: Don’t click on links or open attachments unless you are sure of the sender’s authenticity.
  2. Look for Inconsistencies: Even well-crafted messages may contain subtle errors or inconsistencies.
  3. Use Spam Filters: Ensure your email provider’s spam filters are enabled and up-to-date.

‘Fake You’ Identity and Verification Fraud

Due to numerous data breaches, a lot of personal data is available on the dark web. Generative AI can create an AI persona that sounds like you and has access to much of the information used to verify your identity.

How It Works

Scammers can use AI to impersonate you during customer service calls, potentially gaining access to your accounts or creating new ones in your name.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: This is crucial for securing your accounts against unauthorized access.
  2. Monitor Account Activity: Regularly check your accounts for any suspicious activity.
  3. Be Cautious with Personal Information: Avoid sharing personal information online that could be used to verify your identity.

AI-Generated Deepfakes and Blackmail

The possibility of blackmail using deepfake images is perhaps the scariest form of AI scam. AI can create realistic, though often flawed, fake images and videos.

How It Works

Scammers may create fake intimate images or videos using your likeness and use them for blackmail, even if no such real images exist.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Report and Remove: If you are a victim, report the incident to the authorities and request the removal of the images from hosting sites.
  2. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date on the latest security practices and tools to protect your digital identity.
  3. Legal Recourse: Seek legal advice to explore options for protecting yourself against such attacks.


AI technology offers incredible benefits but also introduces new risks. By staying vigilant and adopting strong cybersecurity practices, you can protect yourself from the increasing threat of AI-driven scams. Remember, if something feels off, it probably is. Always verify and take your time to assess any suspicious communication.

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